Friday, June 15, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
"MILLENNIALS At HOME...In The Kitchen" Preview at Housewares Show

Monday, March 19, 2012
TOP Ten Products For Millennials - International Home and Housewares Show 2012
While the price tag may scare some cost-conscious Millennial consumers away, the new Pro 750 Vitamix is a top-quality investment piece for the Millennial kitchen. Vitamix blenders are known in the industry for their workhorse longevity; they are even covered under complete warranty for seven years. They can make every day items like smoothies, but some of the newer models also have settings for steaming soups and decadent ice creams and healthy nut butters. We tasted the “going green smoothie” (made of spinach and fruit) and were blown away not only by how delicious it was, but also how perfectly smooth the solid ingredients became in the Vitamix blender! The new model is great for Millennial kitchens because the bodies are shorter and wider than older models – allowing the unit to fit right underneath kitchen cabinets, clearing up much needed counter space. They also have a self-clean feature: just fill the blender halfway with water and a squeeze of dish soap and put the blender on the “clean” setting, and you’re good to go!
KitchenAid debuted a new line at the Housewares Show that we loved for the Millennial kitchen! The Catalina Collection contains new colors including Crystal Blue, Majestic Yellow, Tangerine, Green Apple, and Frosted Pearl. The bright new colors offer a way for Millennials to customize their kitchens with something a little different than the traditional white/black/stainless finishes for kitchen gadgets. Not every product in this line is new, but we especially loved the new smaller, 3.5 Cup Food Chopper for Millennials. With two speeds for chop and puree applications, this food processor is perfect for someone on a budget who is looking for a food processor. The smaller size also takes up less room in Millennials’ space-deprived kitchens, making this product a real winner.

If we could have invented this product ourselves at AIM, we would have! Based on our research, we have been recommending that companies find a way to incorporate technology into the Millennial kitchen without being too in-your-face. QOOQ is essentially an iPad specifically designed for use in the kitchen. At its core, QOOQ is an electronic recipe book. It comes pre-programmed with over 3,500 recipes, and also allows you to add your own tried-and-true favorites. Users can search through the recipes and target them specifically based on ingredient, dietary restrictions, calories, even budget! They can pick out a few meals for the week and QOOQ automatically creates a grocery list, which can then conveniently be accessed from a variety of gadgets, from laptops, to tablets, to smart phones. The recipes themselves are interactive, with access to over 300 techniques on video, so if you come across a technique you aren’t familiar with, you can just click and watch to see exactly how it’s done. QOOQ has full access to the Internet and social media applications, so you are connected while you’re cooking. The tablet is also heat-resistant and spill-proof, so you don’t have to worry about accidents damaging this product.
The new Bed Head Curlipops curling wands is a line containing three different curling irons that help create texture, loose curls, and waves. These irons feature Tourmaline Ceramic Technology to help evenly heat the hair, adding smoothness and shine. Each iron comes with a heat-protective glove to keep your hands safe against burns while learning to use these innovative clipless curling irons. They also come with quick and informative instructional videos, so you can see exactly how to use these tools like a pro. Millennials learn best by watching, (many describing themselves as “visual learners”) so these videos are particularly helpful for this group. The wrap-and-go feature of the clamp-free design promises that you can style your hair quickly, perfect for time-crunched Millennials. With three designs to create three different styles, you can hand-pick your treat to achieve your personal desired style.

The Bambooee reusable paper towels won the innovation award at the IHHS, and it’s not hard to see why. The idea is simple: take the convenience of paper towels but cut down on the waste. Enter Bambooee. These come packaged just like a traditional roll of paper towels, with all the appeal of being able to easily rip off a perforated sheet whenever a spill occurs. However they have one crucial twist; they are machine washable! When you’ve used up your roll, just toss the sheets in the washing machine and you’re ready to start again. We saw one Bambooee sheet that had been washed 50 times and it still looked great. These towels are made of pure organic bamboo, and we were pleased to learn that the bamboo is sustainably farmed, meaning the company is responsible in making sure the bamboo is harvested in a way that it grows back very quickly. One roll of 20 bamboo sheets takes the place of 60 rolls of traditional paper towels…that’s a lot of waste! Both eco- and cost-conscious Millennials will love how easy, durable, and Earth-friendly this product is. BONUS: Bambooee will send you a paper towel to try for free! Just pay $1 for shipping and they will send you a sheet of their innovative bamboo paper towels to see how they work for yourself. Go to to order.

Don’t laugh…but this is the Mercedes of garbage cans. What first attracted us to this garbage can was its size; it holds 48 liters but is only 11.4” wide, perfect for the tight space in a Millennial’s kitchen! The Multi-Sense technology in the butterfly can is responsive to your behavior. Not only does the lid smoothly open when your hand passes over the sensor, but it then adapts to your behavior. It senses when you are doing a task like peeling vegetables or removing the garbage bag, when you don’t want the can to close, and remains open until you’re finished. The Odorsorb filter compartment in the lid to absorb smells and the fingerprint-proof stainless steel finish are two more features that set this garbage can apart.
10. (Tie) HoMedics myBaby Automatic Soap Dispenser with Training Song Melody
HoMedics introduced a whole line of products for all those Millennials who are starting to have babies. It was really hard to pick just one product from their line, but this touch-free soap dispenser not only solves a real problem, but is also really fun for the kids and their Millennial parents! It automatically dispenses soap when a hand is detected in front of the devices sensor. AND, after the soap is dispensed, the device plays a 30 second hand washing song that teaches children how (and how long) to wash hands.
10. (Tie) OXO No-Spill Ice Cube Tray
Lodge has been one of the most trusted brands in cast iron cookware for years, but its new Seasoned Steel products help spice up the scene. The new carbon steel pans have been seasoned with Lodge’s proprietary vegetable oil formula. This is the first time carbon steel has ever been seasoned; usually the consumer has to spend months home seasoning, as steel is much smoother than cast iron. The skillets come in 8”, 10”, and 12” sizes and are Made in the USA, which AIM has found is particularly appealing for Millennials, as it means jobs for their peers.
TIE: Keurig Vue & Nespresso Gran Maestria
Coffee lovers: the world just got a little better. The two new models from Keurig and Nespresso are sure to be a hit with Millennials. The Keurig Vue takes personalization to the max and allows users to change not just the beverage size, but the brewing strength, and temperature as well(perfect for those of us who like our coffee strong or hot-hot-hot!) The machine uses a new type of pod that is partially recyclable, which Goodie Two-Shoes Millennials will love. We love that Keurig is striving to move forward so quickly, instead of just sitting on top of its successful product line. We were also happy to see one of our favorites, Nespresso, with a new model at the show. The built-in Aeroccino on the new model, Nespresso's milk frother, was a winning feature for us. For the Millennial who hasn't yet developed a taste for espresso (cough:Whitney) but loves milky lattes and capuccinos, the Aeroccino is an essential part of the at-home barista system.
Three by Three sort it out! bamboo wall caddy
This wall caddy is perfect for organizing the busy Millennial's life. Made of eco-friendly bamboo, this piece has a weekly calendar and lots of room for storage. You can use this caddy however you want: by the front door as a place to hang keys and keep mail, in the kitchen to hang utensils and hold spices or recipes, in the bedroom to hang jewelry and store books, and wherever else you can think! You can customize your caddy with additional magnets and hooks to personalize it to suit you best.
Verilux solar cell phone charger
This small solar charger packs a punch! These cell phone chargers use energy from the sun to power your phone, and can hold up to 20 hours of charge. They are small and compact, and would be the perfect accessory to bring on a camping trip or outdoor adventure, or just to have as a last resort when you need to charge your cell phone on the go.
Holstein Burger Grill
Who says you need to wait until summer for the perfect burger? Holstein has a new line of fantastic cooking accessories to make creating your favorite dishes easier. Our favorite was the new burger grill, a small colorful piece that grills two burgers on your countertop, without all the mess or effort often required when making burgers. Just place your filling of choice into the burger compartment, close the grill, and in a matter of minutes you have a perfectly cooked burger. We love that you can use any filling with the enclosed burger compartment, allowing you to be creative in creating your burgers, using differently spiced meats, or even beans or veggie-based fillings!
Lifetime Brands Universal Storage Block (for knives, etc.)
What a wonderfully simple idea for Millennials. This storage block was displayed at the show with awesome mixed-and-matched colored knives that could be arranged in any pattern. We are interested to see what other uses Millennials could find for it -- in the office for pens and hiliters, in the bathroom for toothbrushes, in a kid's room for markers and crayons...
Made up of two self-contained pots, both with watertight screw top lids. There's a seashell additive to the polypropylene to make it feel like ceramic. The lid is made of Eastman Tritan copolyester, which gives it the look of glass. Dishwasher and micro-wave safe.
The Top Ten Products for Millennials were selected at the March 2012 International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago by Albing International Marketing's Millennial Associate, Whitney Ryan, and reviewed by selected members of AIM's Millennial MOVERS panel.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Millennials Value "Made In USA"

At AIM, we have also seen an increasing number of our US clients and friends in the home furnishings industry turn homeward for manufacturing after years of offshore sourcing. A few never left and some are just sourcing parts or assembling in this country. A lot of companies were prominently displaying “Made In The USA” in their booths and on their products at the Show. One company, Lodge cast iron cookware (pictured above), had even developed unique and attractive elastic hang tags similar to those you might see in the produce section of the grocery store. Lodge calls these hang tags “elastiFLAGS” and proudly told us that they are producing at full capacity at their Tennessee plant.
We, at AIM, applaud American companies who are producing and assembling products in the US. In our research over the past year, AIM has found that “Made In USA” increasingly resonates with consumers of all ages and is especially valued by Millennials. It means “jobs for American workers” to 73% of Millennials, who as a generation were hit especially hard by the Recession. It also means “high quality” to 53% of Millennails and “high price” to only 20%. Millennials understand “flat world production,” wherein manufacturers seek out products and parts from wherever in the world can produce it most efficiently and cost-effectively, yet they are willing to pay more for something if it means jobs for themselves and their neighbors. “Made or assembled in the USA” is more important to Millennials than “getting the best price,” scoring 56% versus 41%. - Robin Albing, Founder, Albing International Marketing
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
AIM to compile TOP TEN PRODUCTS FOR MILLENNIALS at the 2012 International Home and Housewares Show

Monday, February 13, 2012

Millennials are traditionalists, but more traditional than their parents?? Who knew?? According to a recent AIM survey, Millennials are at least more traditional in their kitchen preferences than their Baby Boomer parents. 50% of Millennials prefer "Old School" (Traditional and Country), while only 36% of Boomers prefer this type of design for the kitchen. On the other hand, only 25% of Millennials prefer "New Age" (Contemporary and Modern) compared to 44% of Boomers.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Amateur 26-year-old Filmmaker's Ad "Wins" at Super Bowl

According to Yahoo Auto, Zach Borst, a 26-year-old filmmaker from Long Island, N.Y., wrote, produced and assembled a one-minute ad about a graduate getting a Chevrolet Camaro as a gift for a Chevrolet competition. When you see it, you'll realize why Chevy picked it to air in the upcoming Super Bowl to an audience of 110 million people.
Borst may be a homegrown filmmaker, but he's no neophyte -- he's been shooting video since he was seven, and has several quality commercials online. He'd also won a previous Chevrolet competition at the Tribeca film festival; knowing what the client wants does usually help in advertising. For the "Happy Grad" ad, Borst used friends for actors, camera help and locations.
"Happy Grad" -- filmed by Borst and company in four hours -- beat out 198 other video submissions and 400 scripts in the contest. To air, Chevy will spend at least $3.5 million for 30 seconds of air time.Sunday, February 5, 2012
Millennials Learn About Kitchen Products Online

Sixty-one percent of Millennials learn about kitchen products on the Internet (versus 37% who learn at retail stores and 29% from either their parents OR from friends/siblings, the number two, three and four choices.) Only 9%, however, learn about kitchen products from Internet Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or blogs. Millennials tell AIM that their favorite online sources for kitchen information are sites with customer ratings such as Amazon, Epinion and general information on search engines such as Google.
"MILLENNIALS At HOME in the Kitchen" - a comprehensive portrait of young people and their cooking/kitchen behavior - will be published by Albing International Marketing in April 2012. See Robin Albing and Whitney Ryan preview the study at the International Home and Housewares Show in Chicago on March 12th at 12:30 pm. For details, call (908) 788-5411 or email