Monday, April 25, 2011

Millennials Still Moving Back Home

There's an article in today's Huffington Post, Recent Graduates Not Only Move Back Home, But Stay There, that states this year's college grads are skeptical about their job prospects despite the statistics indicating an improving job market. (As the parent of a Millennial in the college class of 2011, I sure hope that things are improving...) The article goes on to describe the situation for several Millennials who moved back home after graduation. According to one young person, "communication" is the key to making the living arrangement work. And, despite a somewhat misleading headline, there is no desire to stay under the parents' roof. “I know they love me, but it’s time for me to go,” said one young woman in the article, who despite all of the challenges associated with moving back home has appreciated the extra time it's given her to be with her family. “I just hope that I can.”
-Robin Albing

Monday, April 11, 2011

Prom Spending Way Up - Sign of Improving Economy or Imprudence?

The uniquely American tradition of "Prom" is often used as an indicator of economic trends. This year spending is way up which could be a good sign that the long Recession is over. On the other hand, the spending seems almost ridiculous in light of the cost of higher education in this country. Is $1500 for one night of revelry really worth it? Or would young people be better off spending less and saving more for college as put forth by the Sally Greenberg of the National Consumers League? Read more about this trend in yesterday's NY Post and give us your opinion... How does this bode for future spending by Millennials on the wedding market? Are "over-the-top" weddings next on the agenda for Millennials?